UFR have been extremely agile around our requirements. It has been an extremely fast-tracked project, with very high visibility in the industry. From conception to field trial is has taken four months. This has accelerated that part of the project by about 12 months. So, we are 12 months ahead of where we thought we would be – IMDEX Chief Geoscientist Dave Lawie.
Universal Field Robots has collaborated with IMDEX Limited on a project that involves our 2t robot autonomously deploying their downhole sensor technology on mine sites.
Quality and Confidence
We leverage existing products as we innovate. We use tried-and-tested mechanical platforms as the foundation of our products, such as a Caterpillar excavator. Employing mass produced mechanical platforms means that the capital cost of your projects is lowered. UFR machines are making a name for themselves as premium products and are known for their superior technology, quality and reliability. We use high quality components that are well engineered and we listen to our customers, so that our application solutions exceed their needs and excite them.
How we can help your company in ...

Energy and Mining
Industry applications include: surface mining blasthole sensing, underground mining blasthole cleaning and surveying, haul truck refuelling, logistics support, truck loading and road maintenance.

Solar Farm Construction
Industry applications include: autonomous piling of foundations for solar farm construction, driving posts, and construction equipment logistics support.

Industry applications include: excavation, batter trim, and road construction.

Industry applications include: autonomous fruit picking, weed control, pruning, and mowing.